Friday, October 11, 2013

Multimedia Interview Project: Learning about Blackboard Collaborate

Technology has found its way into higher education through a number of avenues.  The development of new technology has not only changed the face of education, but has allowed advancements which are critical to student success.  I had the opportunity to speak with Ms. Marcella Marez, a Speech instructor from Keiser University, regarding various technologies she has incorporated into her online public speaking course.  Specifically, our discussion focused on the use of a tool called “Blackboard Collaborate”.  Ms. Marez has been teaching public speaking online for a number of years and has vast experience with testing out new ways to connect with her students.

We discussed how she utilizes this technology in her class, some of the pros and cons of utilizing this particular technology, as well as how she feels it benefits or creates challenges for adult learners. 

You can check out my interview with Ms. Marez below.  I hope you enjoy the learning experience!



King, K.P., & Cox, T.D. (2011). The professor’s guide to taming technology: Leveraging digital media, web 2.0, and more for learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (n.d.) Engagement theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Audio/Video/Podcasts: Pros and Cons for Adult Learners

Oomen-Early, Bold, and Gallien (2011) stated, “Teaching and learning in an environment separated by space and time require a new set of skills and practices for both instructor and learner” (King & Cox, 2011, p. 52).  This statement, from my experience teaching in both face-to-face classrooms and online is true.  One of the biggest complaints I have from an instructor standpoint and from a student standpoint about distance education is the lack of personal connection.  As we move to an era where online learning is more prevalent it is vital that both teachers and students work on developing their skills related to the use of various technologies.  Utilizing technologies such as podcasts, asynchronous audio communication, videos, and narrated digital presentations (King & Cox, 2011) can help both teachers and students to build a personal connection while also enhancing learning opportunities.  However, as with the use of any technology, prior to implementation pros and cons should always be considered.


-          Pros:  The use of podcasts has been seen more frequently throughout higher education in recent years.  Podcasts are beneficial for a number of reasons.  Podcasts are a great tool to use when reaching out to students and attempting to tap into their various learning styles.  Podcasts are also readily available and can be used to transmit a variety of information including lectures, FAQ’s, tutorials, and as a new approach to assignments (King, 2011).

-          Cons: Prior to utilizing podcasts it is important for instructors to be aware of some of the potential problems or issues which could be encountered.  First, podcasting requires specific equipment and the user must have knowledge of how to create the digital recording and how to edit and upload the files (King, 2011).  For an adult learner with little experience using technology, this could be a difficult task.  Copyright and legal issues are also a concern.  Teachers must be educated about what information can be shared and what legal guidelines must be followed when utilizing this technology in their course (King, 2011).

Asynchronous Audio Communication (AAC):

“AAC is the use of delayed (not simultaneous) digital audio technology to deliver verbal communication through a computer” (Oomen-Early, Bold, & Gallien, 2011, p. 52).

-         Pros:  AAC is very helpful in adding additional support to text-based communication while creating more opportunities for interaction and overall enhancing e-learning.  One of the biggest benefits of using AAC is that it lends itself to a variety of situations.  AAC can be used to expand on course materials and also to provide feedback to students individually or as a group.  By teachers being allowed to post individual audio file messages they can connect with their students while maintaining privacy within their classroom environment. (Oomen-Early, Bold, & Gallien, 2011). 

-         Cons:  AAC’s are actually something I have utilized in my own courses and although they can be useful, they also have their drawbacks.  One of the main concerns and issues I have had is with students being able to play the audio files.  As with many technologies, students must have the correct software or programs updated on their computers in order to access this information.

Digital Videos:

-         Pros: The use of videos for instruction is becoming increasingly popular in higher education.  The widespread popularity of You Tube has made it easy to find videos of just about anything.  King and Cox (2011) discussed the numerous “pros” of using videos for instructional purposes.  Videos can be quick and easy to create, they are an effective method of mediated learning, and they are available at all times and are easily incorporated into curriculum.  Videos can be used for instructional purposes of relaying information and course content and also as an assignment.

-         Cons:  Although videos can be a great learning tool and are easily accessible, there are potential issues.  I know from experience that creating and uploading videos can be difficult for adult learners.  Many sites such as You Tube or Viddler will only allow video files of a certain size.  If need be, video files can be compressed however that is not always an easy process.  King and Cox (2011) also note that similar to other types of media, intellectual property rights and copyright laws must be followed.

Narrated Digital Presentations:

-          Pros:  Incorporating narration into digital presentations such as Power Points can add creativity and interest to the information being conveyed.  Narrated digital presentations, like other media, can add a personal touch to course material being delivered online.  This can peak interest in students which is a vital part of successfully delivering material.  If students are not interested they will not participate (Donavant, 2011).

-         Cons:  Preparing scripts and recording information can be a time consuming task.  Donavant (2011) stated, “Developing and delivering an informative and stimulating presentation at anything above an average level of competency is a feat accomplished by all too few educators; considerable time and effort is required, as well as a fair amount of skill” (p. 113).  Although they may be convenient, without proper knowledge the task of creating this type of presentation could be very difficult.

So are audio/visual/podcasts beneficial for adult learners?  As with most other technology my personal opinion would be "I think so?".  One of the main things I have learned throughout this journey into the world of technology is that technology can be great, if you know how to use it…or if you are willing to learn.  Adult learners, especially those who do not have much background in utilizing technology may struggle at times; but if they are willing to work at it the use of technology could greatly enhance their education.


Donovant, B.W. (2011). Narrated digital presentations: An educator’s journey and strategies for integrating and enhancing education. In K.P. King & T.D. Cox, The Professor’s Guide to Taming Technology (105). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
King, K.P. (2011). Podcasting: Learning on demand and content creation. In K.P. King & T.D. Cox, The Professor’s Guide to Taming Technology (33-50). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

King, K.P., & Cox, T.D. (2011). Video development and instructional use: Simple and powerful options. In K.P. King & T.D. Cox, The Professor’s Guide to Taming Technology (67-68). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Oomen-Early, J., Bold, M., & Gallien, T. (2011). Using online asynchronous audio communication in higher education. In K.P. King & T.D. Cox, The Professor’s Guide to Taming Technology (51-65). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Kelly, R. (Producer). (2009, April 14). Jing tutorial. Video retrieved from:
Ravenscraft, C. (Producer). (2011, September 5). Learn how to podcast - part 1 of 8 - podcasting video tutorial series. Video retrieved from: