Friday, October 11, 2013

Multimedia Interview Project: Learning about Blackboard Collaborate

Technology has found its way into higher education through a number of avenues.  The development of new technology has not only changed the face of education, but has allowed advancements which are critical to student success.  I had the opportunity to speak with Ms. Marcella Marez, a Speech instructor from Keiser University, regarding various technologies she has incorporated into her online public speaking course.  Specifically, our discussion focused on the use of a tool called “Blackboard Collaborate”.  Ms. Marez has been teaching public speaking online for a number of years and has vast experience with testing out new ways to connect with her students.

We discussed how she utilizes this technology in her class, some of the pros and cons of utilizing this particular technology, as well as how she feels it benefits or creates challenges for adult learners. 

You can check out my interview with Ms. Marez below.  I hope you enjoy the learning experience!



King, K.P., & Cox, T.D. (2011). The professor’s guide to taming technology: Leveraging digital media, web 2.0, and more for learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (n.d.) Engagement theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved from:


  1. Amanda,
    I enjoyed your video, I have always wondered how they teach speech online. You did a good job with the interviewing and editing of the video.

    1. Hi Lynn,

      Thanks for taking the time to watch it! Part of the reason this is was fun is because I also teach public speaking online and the most frequent response when I tell people that is; how does that work?? I enjoyed speaking with Ms. Marez and I hope everyone enjoyed learning about the technology we use.

  2. Your interview with a speech instructor excellent. You were a great interviewer and you picked a great interviewee. Your interviewee was warm, informative, and very easy to hear and listen to. Well edited and a great job!!

    1. Hi Sonnie!

      Thank you for watching my video! I do not have a lot of experience with video editing so this was a challenge, but I really enjoyed getting to interview Ms. Marez and I think she did a good job of explaining the technology.

  3. I loved your interview too! The interaction between yourself and Ms. Marez was really engaging. It came across as comfortable and appealing, and the rapport between you was very smooth. Is this because you are both public speaking instructors? Do you know each other well? Excellent job.

    1. Dianna,

      Thank you for taking the time to watch my video. I must admit I have known Ms. Marez for almost 10 years now, so I am lucky that we did have a good rapport prior to the interview. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  4. I enjoyed your interview Amanda! It was very professional and I enjoyed how you produced it and included text and the transitions to the next segments. Well done! I have utilized BlackBoard at the Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, KS, but I must say that they didn’t use it as extensively as Marcella did. The only thing that stood out to me was the fact that when Marcella talked about the different technologies, she stated, “ Kaiser has settled on BlackBoard…”. Am I missing something? Is there something better out there that she would rather be using? Maybe she just misspoke.

    I also really liked how both you and Marcella incorporated an interactive portion were she went through the program in greater detail and showed how both she and her students utilize it. Marcella looks like she is having a lot of fun and almost makes me want to take one of her classes, although I’m not much on public speaking or speech myself! It was a pleasure working with you this weekend as well as past classes. Good luck!

    1. Hi Ryan,

      Thanks for taking the time to watch my video. Blackboard has made some new advancements recently which I have enjoyed. When Marcella stated that Keiser had "settled on Blackboard" that was actually in reference to a recent move in LMS's from eCollege to Blackboard. I think I had to cut the part of the discussion where we talked about eCollege due to time restraints.

      Also, she is a lot of fun and a GREAT teacher! I would recommend everyone take a class from her if they had the opportunity. Again, thanks for taking the time to watch my video.

  5. Hi Amanda:

    This was such an interesting and engaging multimedia interview with Ms. Marcella Marez. As a public speaking instructor, the use of the learning management system, BlackBoard Collaborate seemed a good fit for Ms. Marez, in particular and Keiser University, in general. Moreover, student outreach seems very important to Ms. Marez. BlackBoard Collaborate seemingly allows her encourage active instructor-student interaction and teacher presence. I liked the fact that Blackboard Collaborate allows students to upload their live speeches and to interact with the instructor as well as their classmates. That is so cool!

    In terms of your video, the sound was very clear; the slide transitions were very smooth, and the interview tone and interaction between you and Ms. Marez was very relaxed and engaging. I really enjoyed seeing the warm and positive interpersonal communication between the two of you. Well done!!!

